Grow Enrichment’s silvopasture system includes hybrid chestnuts, mulberry, pecan, sassafras, and persimmons, and the understory is seasonally grazed by a herd of goats.

Pecan Silvopasture Project Receives Grant Funding

Noble Research Institute announced that it received a $295,000 Regenerative Agriculture Research Grant from the Greenacres Foundation to advance its ongoing pecan-focused research. The grant will support a three-year project on pecan silvopasture and measuring improved soil health’s impact on building profitable and resilient systems. The team will sample soil, pecan leaves, and nuts as part of the project and correlate the data to management decisions and economics. Researchers hypothesize that healthier soils achieved through regenerative management will lead to healthier trees and more nutrient-dense pecans. This will be Noble’s first long-term study in a pecan silvopasture system where the results will aid not only the pecan producers but also the silvopasture systems.